Home > Floor Cleaning Services Blog > Four Signs You Need Professional Carpet Cleaning

Carpet CleaningIn any building, regular carpet cleaning should be incorporated into the facility’s general maintenance plan. However, knowing how often to have the carpets cleaned in your building is easier said than done. If you aren’t quite sure if you should move forward with carpet cleaning or hold off for a little bit longer, here are four ways to tell.

  1. Stains are Everywhere- In your building, it’s natural for spots and stains to show up on your carpet from time to time. However, if you feel like the staining is detracting from the overall appearance of your carpet, it’s probably time to schedule a time for professional carpet cleaning.
  2. You Want that “New Carpet” Look- Do you remember when that new carpet was installed in your building and how good it looked? If you want for your building’s carpet to look almost like new again, professional cleaning is the way to go.
  3. You Want to Make Maintenance Easier- When you have regular carpet cleaning performed, it’s easier to take care of your carpets between cleanings. This is because a thorough cleaning will eliminate small spots and stains that your cleaning staff might spend time every day trying to get rid of.
  4. Your Employees Have Allergies- Over time, the carpet in your building will start to accumulate pollen, dust, and other particles that could cause allergies among your employees. If your employees have started complaining about runny noses and itchy throats, it may be a good idea to have your carpets cleaned.